Pub Tenancy

McMullens Tenancies

Waltham AbbeyAnnual Rent £26,000Full time

The Welsh Harp, Waltham Abbey

Key Features

  • Market square location
  • Character property
  • Strong existing wet and food trade
  • Live events

The Welsh Harp is a stunning, well-kept character property, on the market square in Waltham Abbey just off the M25. Waltham Abbey is a buzzing town with several hospitality venues which drives footfall throughout the week and offers different drinking occasions. With circa 5,000 adults within half a mile and 12,000 within a mile, The Welsh Harp is a thriving pub with a great local base which is proven by its historical data. Internally there is 40+ covers with a current turnover split of 75/25 which includes 80-100 Sunday Roast covers and volumes historically have ranged from 200-260. We are looking for fantastic, all-round, entrepreneurial tenant that can execute a varied ‘Rhythm of the Week’ alongside great quality food and service. Being situated on the market square there is opportunity to drive further trade through coffees, cakes, breakfasts as well as catering to the large annual Waltham Abbey town events.

The Details

5 Year Tenancy – Available under a Tenancy At Will

Annual Rent

£26,000 – (TAW rent negotiable)




175 BBrls – Brewers barrels


All beer and cider

Estimated Annual Net Turnover

£350,000 (25% food)

Estimated Fixtures & Fittings

£5,000 (option to be rented)

Advance Rent

£2,333 Net (plus insurance)

Working Capital Inc Stock


Estimated Total Ingoing Costs


Estimated Minimum Ingoing Costs
